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5 min read
How the Transformative Power Of DEI, we can embrace Intersectionality and Challenging The Status Quo
By dismissing DEI, we ignore the complex and intersecting identities that people bring to their workplaces. We overlook the fact that our te

5 min read
How to navigate the Workplace Coexisting With AI: Me, My AI and I (Artificial General Intelligence)
This is the AI era, understanding and befriending AI sp it can serve us rather than us serving it

4 min read
"5 Key Strategies for Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace"
First published on Forbes Coaches Council Once upon a time, in a bustling corporate office, a new leader, Sarah, was appointed. She...

5 min read
4 strategies to bridge the gap in achieving D.E.I. through Hybrid Work!
Image credit to Resume Genius
Hybrid work is becoming an issue and a solution for employees engagement in the workplace

5 min read
7 DEI approaches to bridge generational differences in the workplace
I have seen a few managers and HR professionals make the mistake of thinking that Gen-Z is Millennials on steroids.

10 min read
How women can shatter the Glass Ceiling
It is important to understand that solutions for women issues are not only depending on women alone doing something about it.

Sahar Andrade, MB.BCH
4 min read
What is Juneteenth?
While we all celebrate and know about the day the United States became free on the 4th of July, it still took 87 more years for Abraham...

Sahar Andrade. MB.BCh
4 min read
How is Trans-global& Cross-cultural leadership different?
Many people are still confusing cross-cultural and trans-global leadership including some diversity experts. They mix between both as if...

Sahar Andrade, MB.BCH
5 min read
Gender equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the 2018 Oscars
This is not a political post or rant, so please do not turn it into one Oscars this year was so different from 2014 and from 2017 the...

Sahar Andrade, MB.BCH
7 min read
How #MeToo exploded after the Weinstein Scandal
It has been brewing for a long while, may be for a hundred of years, the steam kept condensing as it would in a pressure cooker; till it...
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